We had fun at the park.
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
::Picnic@Pasir Ris Park::
This was our first picnic day ever,organised by our sisters.Led by Juwairiah & frens,it was a great success for us.It was fun yet tiring too,when we reach there around 9 or so,we ate some breakfast that our Sis brought.Then,we had Ta'aruf,knowing each other.After the dzhur prayers,we had lunch and continued playing more exciting games such as captain's ball and rounders,it was really fun.
We had fun at the park.

Our Nady Sisters

Our hansome brothers

Sape Suruh buat forfit,kan da kene cium pokok..hahaha

tenggah shiok makan nampak

having some Ta'aruf games

aisey bro Iskandar,leading the game

uh-oh..hmmm sedapnye..mcm2 mknan ade..

bro Rizal sebok dgn die nye telepon je
We had fun at the park.