Assalamu'alaikum, friends!
' Why Do Women Wear Veil?'
' What Is So Special of Being A Muslim? '
' Why Must One Fast? '
' What Is The Purpose of Life? '
' What Are The Benefits of Being A Muslim? '
Ever lost for words for these questions? More other burning questions you have in mind? We're here to help you out! Join us for the D-Talk Camp to gain more valuable knowledge about Da'wah in Islam.
20 - 22 June 2008 (Friday night til Sunday afternoon)
An-Nahdhah Mosque
Open to all 15- to 21-year-olds!! from JCs, Madrasahs, ITEs, Polytechnics, Universities, etc =D
How much?
$10 only!! ^_^
How to register?
Simply SMS your Fullname, Hp number and Email address to Rasyidah : 9436 6012 or Azmi : 9118 9269
email your Fullname, Hp number and Email address to syidah.nick@gmail.com or azmi_mestica@hotmail.com
after that, please fill in the registration form - to be submitted on D-Day itself.
So, what are you waiting for?
get your brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, friends of friends to sign up too. as they say, the More the Merrier *Wheee~~!!*
Hurry! the closing date is this Sunday, 15 June 2008.
Visit www.dtalk08.blogspot.com to download the registration form and for more details.
Thanks many many!
D-Talk 2008 is proudly brought to you by
Nur Ikhwan & Nanyang Polytechnic Muslim Society