Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Our Life Manual

Assalamualaikum wr br to all. :)

Alhamdulillah, the 3 days 2 nights RYCamp organised with Muhajirin Mosque over the weekend went on smoothly. insyaAllah the ukhuwwah and bond forged among us all will continue to blossom. :)

praises to Allah for his blessings and rahmah in assisting us make RYCamp at An-Nahdhah happen. may we be given the strength to carry out whatever that we've learnt, as the most beneficial knowledge are those put into practise.

subhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar.

nady.blog team would very much like to upload RYCamp pictures here to share. so, anyone who brought cameras and were cameramen/women during the camp kindly send all available pictures to benign605@hotmail.com please. syukran! X)


"Ya Allah, tolonglah aku agar dapat berzikir kepadaMu, bersyukur kepadaMu, dan memperelokkan ibadah kepadaMu." - HR Abu Dawud no 1522, dianggap sebagai sahih oleh al-Hakim, dan setujui oleh az-Zahabi.