As'salammualaikum to all.
Alhamdulillah, we had finally gone Rayau Raya, which was visiting one of our houses, and we visit not because of duit raya. It just to being closeness to our silaturrahim, and seek for forgiveness and/or do'a.
We do enjoyed it, even though its not that much. But at least, we had visited some nice houses, and ate some delicious food that has been served. It was really good.
And photos was taken at point-to-point to show that what we had done, and we really enjoyed it.
Do check at our picasa.
Not to forget, a warm welcome to the new guys/gals for joining our Rayau Raya.
And also, thanks to Bro Afiq and Sis Nurul for organising a good Rayau raya.
end this with