As'salammualaikum to all.
Apologies for the late uploading. Well, here were the photos taken on the event itself (On the right-side of the Blogpost).
It was the biggest event yet for the month of March, and I must say this was a remarkable one. The event went on smoothly even though the quantity of the participants were small, and thanks to those well-trained fascilitators who had been very cheerful and energetic through-out the whole event. Without them, it will be a boring one.
There were a lot of cool games and also something we had learnt from the event. Such as knowing how direct the kiblat using the Stars, and using compass. It was fun.
Well, it was cool to get to know the participants, thank you for attenting the event.
Hope to you guys the next ONS, OneNightSunnah 3. Insya-Allah.