Saturday, 1 May 2010

Long been Outdated

As'salammualaikum Wr. Wb.

To all my Brothers and Sisters,

we are sorry for the inconvience cause to this blog and incovience to you guys, since last updated was early this year, but the layout has since been updated. So currently, we're in need of Blogging Bloggers, Insya'Allah, there will be soon.

Ok guys, hopefully as soon as possible, the Old and outdated layout will be change to a better and more cheerful one, Insya'Allah. No worries.

However, if you guys have any ideas, or good in designing blogs, or layout, do let us know. We truly appreciate it.

Any enquiries, do check our Facebook Nady groups, do drop down so comments or Wall Post, we sure to reply ASAP... InsyaALLAH...

=) with smile and Peace from Us NADY..
