Qurban = Sacrifice?
What does Qurban means to you?
Have u ever sacrifice for anything before in your life??
Questions n questions...
It's ok… Let's discover together!
Qurban Rocks! 1428h
An overnight programme!
For Youth By Youth!
A partnership project between Saff-Perdaus, NYPMSN (Nanyang Polytechnic Malay Students Network) and NADY (an-NAhDhah Youth)...
19th December - 20th December!
Wednesday night Maghrib! Till Thursday Zuhur!
Meet up at 6pm @ Masjid An-Nahdhah!
Please bring something small and but precious to you. A simple Gift.
(To be Qurban / sacrifice and given to someone you don't know. Doesn't need to be so expensive.)
Allah is Great! - Takbir Malam Raya (Maghrib)
What Say You about Qurban! - An Urban study...
Movie Screening - Inside Mecca : A National Geographic Interactive Movie Special
Beautiful Moments with Him... (Short Tahajjud before Subuh)
Solat Eidul Adha...
Qurban Gift Sharing! – Sacrificing your precious asset to someone…
In the Spirits of the Kambing! (helping out the An-Nahdhah with the Slaughtering)
Small fee of $8 please. Food and beverages will be provided.
Open to 16-25 years old.
Just reply back to this email to hafiz@perdaus.org.sg. With the attached form filled up.
For those who needs parents consent, still fill this up and email it back ASAP. Then bring the signed form tomorrow.
Any questions, just email to hafiz@perdaus.org.sg or call / sms to 91734292.
Hurry! Its only Tomorrow!
May Allah bless our small efforts in His Cause!